Sunday brunch

In today’s brunch, we work on manifesting our week. How do we do this? First, think about the week like it has already happened, next think about what you have achieved in this future week by asking yourself this question….

When you look back on this coming week, what is the one thing you want to say you accomplished?
Whatever that thing is, becomes what you need to work on making it real so that next week the statement is  your reality.

Let us know what you answer is on our Facebook page!

Update on Transitions Podcast.

I have received a lot of emails about posting a link to the podcast for people that don’t have access to ITunes and I have done that for all our readers! if you want to listen to the podcast without going on ITuneblog updatess you can now access them on the blog. I hope that helps and please feel free to email us about anything!


When you finally go back to your old home, you find it wasn’t the old home you missed but your childhood

-Sam Ewing

Going back to Japan to visit my friends and family made me realize It wasn’t that I missed Japan ( I do miss it) it was that I missed the life I had the person I was becoming.  I think we all look back on a happier time in our lives and we make it a bit more than it really was.  We forget that today is what is really important.