WW- Ten more life Lessons!

Last year, we posted 10 life lessons; we got so many emails requesting a repost that we decided we would post 10 new ones in addition to the first life lessons. Hope you enjoy these, and feel free to tweet any of them.

  1. Don’t just be grateful; be humble. What you have is a gift.
  2. Be the leading person in your own life story.
  3. Believe in yourself if you want others to believe in you.
  4. Leadership is about taking responsibility for your actions and the actions of your team.
  5. Anger is about the past, fear is about the future, and happiness is about the present.
  6. Listen to the voice in your gut; it is much smarter than the voice in your head.
  7. Laugh before every meal; it could be your last.
  8. Don’t worry about what the “other guy” has, trust me it’s not better or worst than what you have. It’s just different.
  9. If you didn’t work hard for it, you don’t get to have it.
  10. The only thing that is real… love.PicMonkey Sample with a quote

From our January 10, 2015 post

10 Life Lessons

  1. Make peace with your past so it won’t mess up your present.
  2. What others think of you is none of your business; don’t let people who don’t value you “rent space ” in your head.
  3. Time doesn’t heal all wounds; it just brings distance.
  4. Own your life; don’t blame others for your choices.
  5. Don’t compare your life to others. You have no idea what they have been through.
  6. Don’t judge others; you don’t have the right.
  7. You don’t need to know all the answers. You need to know the right questions.
  8. Trust yourself if you want others to trust you.
  9. Change is part of life; hit acceptance.
  10. Finally, to paraphrase Mark Twain…  Don’t expect anything from life; it owes you nothing…it was here first.